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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • Critical
    XR Belgium
    Priority label. Issue requires immediate or urgent attention. Reserved for bugs and outages.
  • Important
    XR Belgium
    Priority label. Issue is time-sensitive and/or of high operational value.
  • Normal
    XR Belgium
    Priority label.
  • Minor
    XR Belgium
    Priority label. Issue is not time-sensitive and does not affect operation.
  • Other labels

  • Rejected
    XR Belgium
    A.k.a. WONTFIX. Status label. Issue cannot or will not be fixed.
  • On hold
    XR Belgium
    Status label. Issue is deferred for completion at a later date or is on hold due to insufficient information.
  • Recruitment Circle
    XR Belgium /
    Source label. Issue reported by the Recruitment Circle.
  • Website Circle
    XR Belgium /
    Source label. Issue reported by the (Press, Media and Messaging) Website Circle.
  • Done
    XR Belgium
    Status label. Issue is resolved and awaiting review by the ticket owner.
  • To Do
    XR Belgium
    Status label. Issue has been accepted and is awaiting completion.
  • Doing
    XR Belgium
    Status label. Issue is in progress.
  • Fixed
    XR Belgium
    Status label. Issue is resolved pending deployment and review.